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Friday, April 29, 2011

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

degree show countdown has begun...

so we're on the final stretch before the degree show. I have made my ceramic Baby and my transfers have been drawn up and have been ordered, i can see exactly how im going to collaborate it...I do feel as if I may have forgotten something vital..... I hope not.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Barnaby Barford

In our college we are lucky enough to get visiting artists overto show us our work and give us some advice! we managed to get Barnaby over to us for two days! he did us a presentaion of his work, film and artist he is interested in. He was then left to roam around and talk to various students. he was so friendly, helpful, informed and easy going and I Love his work! He also made a great video piece and it took 18months of hard graft but the out come is fantastic. ok well browse away¬!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

its a japan or something

i will love you as my own...

ara! sure he's a bit o' company.

my grandmother was given a dog when my grandfather died... she depends on him for company and the dog depends on her.


found the image of the cow online! I thought it was so disturbing... this cow chompng on a rabbit... I loved how seeing that seems so wrong but the tender smile on the farmers face almost normalises it.... i hope.

I told begging

so on my table, along with my figurative work im going to have plates with printed transfers on them. All the drawings are going to hopefully skew perception slightly. I'm mainly trying to draw viewers in to concentrate on whats going on in each plate and hopefully the narrative will be revealed. oh, and I love to draw...
baby two in making process..
ceramic baby number one! (well two but im counting the non-exploding ones)
drew this guy up and then I had a basis for my show... I was (and still am) worried about massivley offending people when you put a baby (ceramic!) on a table like a roast dinner it can draw a slightly negative reaction... hey ho. show must go on!
hunter becomes the hunted... thats what im saying.... hopefully...!
it was the reaction to this drawing in my sketchbook at one of my group crits that set off my concept as it is today. the shock horror reaction! Most people think 'Dont do that its barbaric'... and the fingers in your ears idea about meat I find interesting! Im just gonna poke around at that for a while!
the idea of my project is what makes us different from the meat we consume.
very very basic idea of my overall degree show... Its just to demonstrate the different elements. printed tablecloth, figurative baby, plates.
Hunter becomes the hunted.


test test test

little lamb

test head... just throwing ideas out there..


Carnism: the belief system that it is ethical to eat certain animals and not others.

The main feast.

my figurative work.

the work im making mow is all heading towards my degree show so im goping to put up
my work in progress! ill just add photos,. im not much of a talker on these things its going to be mainly
images and the odd explanation...ok! here we go!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

my work to date. first of all. Concept.

My Artist Statement

An animal is defined as any living organism characterised by voluntary movement. My aim is to use this broad definition to show our own skewed perception of animals and what we find acceptable to eat. I hope to take this perception of meat and animals and twist it so as to achieve a strong reaction from the viewer. I will show that the idea that it is more ethical to eat certain animals then others is a hypocritical one and to challenge peoples view of an animal and meat being two separate things.

I aim to draw a strong reaction, positive or negative, with my work. I like to create pieces that can start a conversation or debate. I want to attract, shock, and interest the viewer in by creating a scene. A table setting, fit for a banquet. I want to allow everyone to experience a world where the hunter becomes the hunted. We will hopefully begin to see a new perspective, the reality of what we consume. So we can begin to acknowledge the choices we make every-day.

apologies for neglected blog!

Ok im back and I will officially start the actual blogging now!
The work I have began doing in the second part of my college year has changed a lot. I am no longer  relying on just the printed surface to express my concept. I am exploring figurative ceramics.Inspired by hyper realist scuptors like Sam Jinks and Ron Meuck.
Sam Jinks.

Ron Mueck